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The AZIPILOT Project has developed a number of focussed questionnaires to help us establish the needs and expertise of the Industry, if you would like to contribute to this research, then please download the relevant questionnaire here:

Class Societies       Maritime Societies        Pilot Organisations

Unions         Ship Owners & Operators        ACD Producers      Insurance

Simulation & Training Centres        Simulator Manufacturers

About the Project

From the thrusters on smaller, but numerous, harbour support vessels through to the pod-drives on cruise ships and ocean going liners, azimuthing control has rapidly established itself in the maritime industry. While the industry has risen to meet the demand, this rapid evolution has not allowed sufficient time for the propagation of knowledge throughout the different disciplines. Though the various sectors of the industry each have their own expertise, a lack of communication is both restricting progress and compromising safety – in addition, much work is being repeated unnecessarily.

The project brings together the industry sectors responsible for design and testing, simulation and training, the pilots that operate these ships and the authorities that regulate them. The project aim is to promote a wider understanding across the industry, leading to harmonisation of practice and providing recommendations for both police making and the pilot training process and practice; specifically for ships that use azimuthing manoeuvring devices. The project provides a forum for cross-disciplinary discussion between the key industry sectors; specifically: 

  • The specialist in HYDRODYNAMIC MODELLING and testing, both theoretical and experimental, and expert in the understanding of azimuthing control devices.

  • The designers and manufacturers of MARINE SIMULATION software, hardware and physical models that are used for the training of marine pilots.  Including, the designers, human factors specialists and manufactures of automation and control systems, joystick systems and graphical user interfaces.

  • The MARITIME TRAINING facilities using both numerical and physical simulation tools and specialist in the theory and practice of human factors (physical and behavioural components) and specialist in the training of bridge-crews and pilots.

  • Practitioners in OPERATIONAL PRACTICE including maritime pilots, ship operators/managers, pilot association and end-users.  And including, Maritime Authorities and Regulators specifically interested in policy and regulation.

Generally speaking, the project will draw on four main sources of input, interact with four key areas of ongoing activities and result in four main outputs.  Specifically, the four main sources of input include: the results and recommendations from previous projects; existing general maritime training methods; existing knowledge from contributing related disciplines; existing more general regulations and criteria.  The four key areas of ongoing activity include: other national, international and E.C. research projects; existing conference series in the same or related domains; existing international technical forums; existing maritime associations.  The four main outputs include: the publication of a dedicated technical journal; guidelines for a dedicated maritime training program; data for a dedicated engineering lecture series; recommendations for specific regulations and criteria.



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Last updated: 02/23/12.