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Newcastle University
Port Revel
South Tyneside
STC Group
About the Members

The consortium consists of a well-balanced group; many of whom have collaborated on previous projects.  The group have suitable representation for each of the key subject-areas necessary to achieve the project goals.  Two of the partners represent expertise from ACADEMIA AND CONSULTANCY and are specialist in theoretical methods for both modelling and numerical simulation.  In addition these two partners are specialist in ship manoeuvring performance and have significant experience with azimuthing control devices.  Three more of the partners represent the leading MODEL TESTING CENTRES, having significant expertise in both experimental and theoretical modelling methods.  All of the Model Testing Centres involved in the project are experienced with the testing of azimuthing control devices and/or the ships that use them.  Three of the participating partners represent world leading MARINE SIMULATOR MANUFACTURES.  In addition to expertise in simulation these partners are also specialist in ergonomic bridge design and the man-machine interface.  This includes expertise in the design and use of bridge control systems used for ships equipped with azimuthing control devices.  Four more of the partners are leading MARITIME TRAINING INSTITUTIONS, specialist in bridge-crew training and expert in the understanding of human physical and behavioural components.  In addition these Institutions have existing training tools and are experienced in the use of ships equipped with azimuthing control devices.  Finally, three more of the participating partners represent the end-users in the form of OPERATORS AND PILOT ASSOCIATIONS.  Of these, each either manages ships equipped with azimuthing control devices, represent those that do, and/or are responsible for the training and operation of bridge-crews that operate such ships.  The consortium make-up is represented graphical in the yellow pie-chart (below); clearly demonstrating the well-balanced nature of the group as a whole.

The above description of partner’s expertise generalizes participant into their predominant subject-area.  However, not all disciplines are mutually-exclusive; in fact, may partners have significant experience and expertise in more than one area.  To demonstrate that the skills of the group as-a-whole are also well-balance,  the partners contributing expertise relative to the project is given in the blue pie-chart (below).    As can be seen from the results, the relative expertise is well-distributed across the project disciplines. 

In addition to the well-balanced technical expertise, the consortium make-up demonstrated an excellent geographical spread.  Of the 14 partners making-up the consortium, there are representatives from 9 different countries from within Europe.  In addition it is intended that the activities of the Advisory Committee should integrate the expertise from International Associated countries.  The map (below) provides a graphical representation of the consortium geographical spread and details of the contributing counties.  This excellent geographical distribution offers a very strong advantage for both the dissemination and the exploitation of project activities.  The problems addressed by the project are of a global nature – the safe and secure use of the seas being in the interest of all maritime nations.  Then, the excellent dissemination and exploitation opportunity presented by the project consortiums varied geographical composition serves both the social-economic needs of European citizens and serves to improve safety and security for the global maritime industry as a whole.



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Last updated: 02/23/12.