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Newcastle University
Port Revel
South Tyneside
STC Group

en Transport College



The STC-Group in Rotterdam is a world-wide strategic combination of well-established education, training, research, support, consultancy and implementation service providers for the entire shipping, port, transport and logistics chain as well as for the port-related oil and chemical industry. The combination of forces enables the STC-Group to offer a multifaceted programme, ranging from education and training to consultancy services, research and technical assistance.

The STC simulator centre located on the Wilhelminakade has earned itself an international reputation as the provider of high-end training programmes for specific skills in maritime operational practice. For instance the interactive training of ship’s bridge and shore based personnel or the familiarising of captains with new techniques. MSR also offers maritime research and recommendations on port development, navigable waterway design and setting up traffic management systems.

The simulator complex has a vessel traffic simulator and four bridge simulators at its disposal, three of which are full-mission class A bridge simulators, including one with a 360-degree visual range and motion platform. The simulator complex can be used for in-depth applied research regarding the best and safest design for the construction and set-up of a port and for training maritime officers and pilots in how to operate new types of vessels. Training tug captains and deep-sea vessels within the same training scenario is an MSR specialisation.

The Research Department focuses on port development and such diverse subjects as tug boat performance, risk and accident analyses, and psychological tests to determine whether or not someone is suitable for a certain occupation.


STC - Scheepvaart en Transport College,
Wilhelminakade 701,
P.O. Box 51290,
3007 GG Rotterdam,

STC Group

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Last updated: 02/23/12.